Sunday, December 27, 2009

Okay, So I finally updated our Blog.

Most of you know our family got hit with the swine flu
in a really bad way this fall. Then my pregnant body
decided to develop blood clots. I was, and still am forced
to take things easy. But we are all doing well now.
We have had more than enough
Doctor and ER visits this last three months.
So hopefully it is all up hill from here.

I have 12 weeks left of Pregnancy, but I am measuring
10 days early. I am now feeling better and am trying to
get back to life. In a calm way that is.

We have been busy with Illness, school activities, vacation, and
with Christmas that came so fast this year.
Life is so busy I don't even have time to think anymore.

Thanks for all those that have helped our family out
the past three months!!

1 comment:

Ashley Bogard said...

Glad you are all feeling better. Sounds like you may go early. JEALOUS! We will try to get together before you have the little tyke!